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ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)

Bellissimo! 2 - Edizione compatta

Bellissimo! 2 - Edizione compatta

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
28.77 EUR
Bellissimo! 2: Edizione compatta - Corso di Lingua Italiana - Libro dello studente con eserciziario Bellissimo! Edizione compatta fornisce un percorso didattico più intenso e veloce rispetto alla versione originale in 3 volumi. Uno strumento efficace per offrire agli studenti il maggiore apprendimento linguistico nel più breve tempo...more..
Benvenuti a Pechino + CD audio

Benvenuti a Pechino + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
8.07 EUR
Benvenuti a Pechino + CD audio - Letture Graduate Cinese. Una collana di testi in cinese sapientemente illustrati per lettori di tutte le età. Pechino, una città in rapidissima crescita dove modernità e tradizione si incontrano e si “scontrano” in un connubio dinamico e vivace. Vieni alla scoperta dei luoghi più affascinanti di questa enorme...more..
Biancaneve + CD audio

Biancaneve + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.77 EUR
Prime Letture -Serie Verde -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand Italian. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic games help...more..
Black Beauty + CD audio

Black Beauty + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
9.57 EUR
Black Beauty + CD audio About the series : The series Teen ELI Readers is divided into 3 levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will...more..
Blanche-Neige + CD audio

Blanche-Neige + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.17 EUR
Plaisir de lire -S érie Verte -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand French. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic games help...more..
Botchan + CD audio

Botchan + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
11.37 EUR
Botchan + CD audio About the series : The series Young Adult ELI Readers is divided into 6 levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will...more..
Boucle d'or + CD audio

Boucle d'or + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.17 EUR
Plaisir de lire -Série Verte -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand French. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic games...more..
Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 3 anni

Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 3 anni

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
11.67 EUR
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Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 3 anni - Quaderni operativi per 3-4-5 anni QUADERNI OPERATIVI I quaderni operativi Brucobaleno sono la valida proposta di un percorso didattico che, in armonia con il fluire temporale delle stagioni, valorizza i Campi di Esperienza come luoghi del fare e dell’agire dell’alunno, favorendo il cammino...more..
Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 4 anni

Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 4 anni

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
12.27 EUR
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Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 4 anni - Quaderni operativi per 3-4-5 anni QUADERNI OPERATIVI I quaderni operativi Brucobaleno sono la valida proposta di un percorso didattico che, in armonia con il fluire temporale delle stagioni, valorizza i Campi di Esperienza come luoghi del fare e dell’agire dell’alunno, favorendo il cammino...more..
Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 5 anni

Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 5 anni

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
12.87 EUR
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Bruco Baleno + lavoretti - 5 anni - Quaderni operativi per 3-4-5 anni QUADERNI OPERATIVI I quaderni operativi Brucobaleno sono la valida proposta di un percorso didattico che, in armonia con il fluire temporale delle stagioni, valorizza i Campi di Esperienza come luoghi del fare e dell’agire dell’alunno, favorendo il cammino...more..
Buceando en el misterio

Buceando en el misterio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
5.97 EUR
The series Las Lecturas ELI - Serie Blanca is adressed to students between the ages of 11 and 15. Carefully graded by level, from elementary to intermediate, the series contains different types of narration, from puzzle solving to teen fiction and role-play. Each volume contains games and activities. more..
Caffe Italia 1 libro dello studente con esercizi + CD audio

Caffe Italia 1 libro dello studente con esercizi + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
26.97 EUR
Caffè Italia 1 (livello elementare) libro dello studente con esercizi Caffè Italia is an Italian course for foreign students who want to get to know the Italian language and culture, in order to travel, work, or simply for a passion of the language. Caffè Italia is a new Italian course with a modern, dynamic and effective approach. Created by an expert group of teachers,...more..
Cappuccetto Rosso + CD audio

Cappuccetto Rosso + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.77 EUR
Prime Letture -S erie Verde -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand Italian. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic...more..
Cendrillon + CD audio

Cendrillon + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.17 EUR
Plaisir de lire -Série Verte -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand French. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic games...more..
Cenerentola + CD audio

Cenerentola + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.77 EUR
Prime Letture -S erie Verde -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand Italian. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the text. -Illustrated vocabulary words and linguistic...more..
Change Up! Intermediate - Student's Book + Workbook + Workout

Change Up! Intermediate - Student's Book + Workbook + Workout

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
28.77 EUR
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Change Up! Intermediate - Student's Book + 2 CD audio + Workbook + Workout 160 pages (student's book) + 95 pages (workbook) + 72 pages (workout) ISBN 9788853604101 ABOUT THE COURSE CHANGE UP! 2-level course at Intermediate and Upper Intermediate...more..
Chinese Legends + mp3 audio

Chinese Legends + mp3 audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
15.87 EUR
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Chinese Legends + mp3 audio - Chinese Graded Readers Level: HSK 3 Content : How was the earth and man created? How were the properties of tea discovered? How did a poor shepherd and a fairy fall in love? How did Chang’e, a young woman who didn’t want to lose her beauty, fly to the moon with Yutu, the Jade Rabbit? This book...more..
Cinderella + CD audio

Cinderella + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.17 EUR
Ready to Read Green Series -For absolute beginners. -A 16-volume series of the best-loved traditional fairy tales re-written in easy-to-understand English. -Fold-out pages and colourful, lively illustrations capture the young readers' attention, encouraging them to follow the...more..
Coup de cœur + CD audio

Coup de cœur + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
7.17 EUR
The series Les Lectures ELI is adressed to students between the ages of 11 and 15. Carefully graded by level, from elementary to intermediate, the series contains different types of narration, from puzzle solving to teen fiction and role-play. Each volume contains games and activities. Coup de cœur + CD audio Teen Fiction 11-13 years of age...more..
Crash Course + CD audio

Crash Course + CD audio

Publisher: ELI PUBLISHING (ELI European Language Institute)
8.97 EUR
More information
Crash Course + CD audio level lower intermediate - approximately 1200 words About the series Teen beat: An exciting new series of graded readers specially written for 11-15-year olds. The series consists of 6 volumes written by Ken Singleton. Each story...more..

ELI Edizioni & LA SPIGA Promotional prices in June

Language game Il domino delle ore
Language game Il domino delle ore
20.97 EUR  13.39 EUR

Spagnolo Dizionario
Spagnolo Dizionario
8.97 EUR  7.65 EUR

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Copyright © 2024 ET TOI & ELI - gry językowe angielski is an online bookstore specialized in the distribution of courses, activity books, readers, language games, posters, visual materials, songs, teacher´s resources,
picture dictionaries and other didactic materials published by ELI PUBLISHING - EUROPEAN LANGUAGE INSTITUTE and LA SPIGA MODERN LANGUAGES
and COMPASS PUBLISHING, dedicated to learning English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Latin.
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